Gundam Century Starcraft Total Conversion

Gundam Century is a total conversion for Starcraft which transforms graphics, sounds, stats, gameplay into an environment which suits the popular Japanese animation saga; Gundam. To extremely simplify the concept of Gundam, it's about two political factions which do intergalactic combat with giant robots known as mobile suits. The saga so far has been a long running 20 years. The game is a total conversion and very fun.

Most of the custom scenarios and campaigns use the existing editor shipped with the game, although many newer campaigns use custom hacks to cut a few corners and get around some restrictions. Some creators even go to the trouble to record their own sound effects and voices. There's a few notable exceptions, but most StarCraft custom mods don't really alter its polished, integrated structure: the careful balancing is too easily broken and its harder to produce nice artwork that fits in with Blizzard's excellent graphics. StarCraft predates the in-built mod switching that comes with more recent games; its very much a closed and sealed black box.

But no dedicated gaming community worth its salt is going to sit back and just let the publisher call the shots: there are custom mods that actually modify the program with third party utilities, adapting StarCraft's data files and changing graphics and sounds. Some of these hacks are little more than enhanced game AI's for more intense single player action, but others are more ambitious, changing graphics, sounds, unit stats and limitations and sometimes even the guts of the game engine.


part1 | part2 | part3 | part4 | part5 |

pass unrar :
rename all file ...rar.ctit to ...rar and unrar
have fun...v^^

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