Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance

For those unfamiliar with the Metal Gear series (shame on you!), here's a little background info. You assume the role of Solid Snake, co-founder of activist group Philanthropy, and ex-member of government special forces group, Fox-Hound. Your goal is to raise the public's awareness about the different Metal Gears (giant mech-like machines of mass destruction) that are created in hopes that their development will cease altogether. The other co-founder of Philanthropy, Hal "Otacon" Emmerich, was an engineer on the Metal Gear REX (from MGS1) project, and eventually switched sides after realizing the real reason Metal Gear was created. Every Metal Gear game involves some sort of new Metal Gear that is being built, and your mission to stop it.

Gameplay :
The unique aspect of the Metal Gear games is that they promote stealth over action. The best way through a level is to do it without being seen or heard. To aid you in sneaking past the enemy, there is a radar in the upper-right hand corner of the screen that displays your position, as well as enemy positions and their field of vision. If you are seen, your radar is disabled and the enemy will call for backup. If that happens, you must either try and kill them all, or run away hoping they don't shoot you down before you reach a safe hiding place.
Being seen is not the only thing you have to worry about. The enemy also has ears, and if you make too much noise, they will go investigate the source of the sound. Walking on certain surfaces, shooting an un-silenced gun, leaving a blood trail, or even sneezing from a cold will get you in big trouble. Also, leaving a dead body lying around will alert the enemies of an intruder if seen, while knocking them out with a tranquilizer will cause their fellow soldiers to wake them up. Luckily, you can hide bodies in dark corners or lockers, and you can also throw them off the side of the ship in the tanker chapter.



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