Cartoon Network Fighters

On the game: imagine your court new fighting – MUGEN Cartoon Fighters. If you have a childhood dream to kill SpongeBob, Patrick or stuff nose Homer, and this game is for you! 32 playable characters and 15 large urovney.Eta game is unique and well separated from a number of standard MUGEN – Fighting.

Extras. Information:
Warning If the game does not start in the properties, set compatibility with Windows 2000.
To enter full screen mode, press Alt + Enter

Minimum System Requirements:
System: 2000/Xp/VISTA/7
Processor: Pentium III / Athlon 800 mhz
Memory: 128 Mb
Video Card: GeForce2/Radeon 7500, 32
Sound card: compatible with Directx 8
Hard disk: 371 MB



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