Island Manga Complete (7 Volumes)

Cheju Island, a lush and exotic place where old world values still exist, as do old world Demons. The island is a place, where people are aware that their souls can be stolen by evil in both the darkness of night or the light of day. It is also a place where vigilance and custom are not just words but a way of life.

Miho, a woman of beauty, intelligence and temper, comes to the island to teach and is immediately caught in this world of terror and the supernatural when a demon attacks her and she is saved only by the chance appearance of a mystery man with seemingly only one mission...Demon killing.

A delicate balance is upset and for the island, and for the island’s people, the world is about to change.

2 Response to "Island Manga Complete (7 Volumes)"

JoNKoL mengatakan...

Awesome stuff man ! thanks alot :) gonna have a kick reading this. :)

Ilyas Holmes Pedrone mengatakan...

You can get it...v^^

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