Death Note Manga Complete (12 Volume)

Death Note (デスノート, Desu Nōto) is a manga series created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and manga artist Takeshi Obata. The main character is Light Yagami, a high school student who discovers a supernatural notebook, the "Death Note", dropped on Earth by a death god named Ryuk. It centers around Light's attempt to create and rule a world cleansed of evil using the notebook and the efforts of a detective known as L, and subsequently his successors, Near and Mello, to stop him. The Death Note grants its user the ability to kill anyone whose name they know, by writing the name in the notebook while picturing their face.


Download Death Note Volume 01
Download Death Note Volume 02
Download Death Note Volume 03
Download Death Note Volume 04
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Download Death Note Volume 06
Download Death Note Volume 07
Download Death Note Volume 08
Download Death Note Volume 09
Download Death Note Volume 10
Download Death Note Volume 11
Download Death Note Volume 12

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