Ultimate Comics Avengers Complete ( 6 Volume)

Three weeks after the events of Ultimatum, Nick Fury and Hawkeye discuss the current situation outside of the damaged Triskelion. Hawkeye tells Fury that Captain America has gone rogue after learning the truth about the Red Skull. A flashback to one day earlier shows that Captain America and Hawkeye had been fighting a group of A.I.M. terrorists, who had just raided the Baxter Building of powerful technology. They defeat a majority of the terrorists until Captain America encounters the Red Skull, who, after severely beating him, whispers something in his ear and then throws him out of a helicopter. Hawkeye jumps to his rescue as the A.I.M terrorists escape with the stolen technology. Captain America then reveals that the Red Skull claims to be his son.

Marvel Comics Ultimates 3 Complete (5 Volume)

Last night at Tony Stark's mansion, Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, where several members of the world-famous celebrity super hero team, the Ultimates, have gathered in the lounge and a DVD of Tony Stark and their former teammate, the traitorous Black Widow having sex plays on the big screen. ‘So…the Black Widow is back and in living color’ Clint Barton a.k.a. Hawkeye remarks, before asking if they aren’t supposed to be watching Larry King - with his clothes on. ‘Tony, not Larry’ Clint adds, before asking if this is all over the internet.

Marvel Comics Ultimates 2 Complete (13 Volumes)

It has been one year since the conclusion of the first volume of the Ultimates. Bruce Banner is under lock and key in the Triskelion after saving the world from an alien invasion. Steven Rogers and Janet van Dyne are dating after the events with Henry Pym. Anthony Stark is defending S.H.I.E.L.D. policy on talk shows. And Nick Fury has sent Steven Rogers and the rest of the Ultimates to Northern Iraq to rescue American hostages. Being that the Ultimates are a domestic anti-terrorism/metahuman task force, sending such a powerful group of soldiers across international borders does not sit well with the world community including former team mate Thor. And a security leak to the press reveals top secret S.H.I.E.L.D. files to an angry world: Bruce Banner is the Hulk. These missions are the tipping point for something more sinister just over the horizon.

Marvel Comics Ultimates 1 Complete (13 Volume)

In 1945, over the North Atlantic Ocean, a aerial squadron of American planes assault a secret, fortified German facility in Iceland containing a prototype nuclear intercontinental ballistic missile that could end the war in the Axis' favor. Among the soldiers that participated in the battle are Bucky Barnes, a soldier and photographer, and the government-sponsor hero, Captain America. Though, a single and experienced soldier named Kowalski is skeptical of Captain America being an actual hero and believes him to be nothing more than a propaganda figure for recruitment centers. Upon the assault on the facility, the American forces are held back by the facility's defenses in which Kowalski is wounded and later helped by Bucky. Fortunately the battle turn in the Americans' favor as Captain America flies a bomber into the facility's entrance and takes out the German defenders. After this, Captain America leads the American forces into the facility and reaches to the missile in which it is primed to hit Washington D.C. However, the Germans launches the warhead. Captain immediately jumps and clings onto the missile as it flies over the Atlantic. In a radio contact with Bucky, Captain explains that he will try to disrupt the missile off-course as he pulls a grenade and damaged the missile's propulsion jets in which the grenade blast sent off the missile. As the missile is damaged, it then exploded.

Marvel Ultimate Origins Complete (5 Volume)

Ultimate Origins is a comic book limited series published by Marvel Comics, released in June 2008. It falls under Marvel's Ultimate Marvel imprint. It was written by Brian Bendis and illustrated by Butch Guice. It was intended to be a "chapter in the development of Ultimatum, a crossover event scheduled to begin in September 2008.

Jeph Loeb has stated in an interview with Comic Book Resources: "What Ultimate Origin is going to do is sort of tell us how it all began. ... The Ultimate Universe isn't very old, so this isn't a cosmic story. You're not going to see the birth of a planet. What you'll see is how the superhero community was introduced into the human population. So you'll learn the importance of things like the Super Soldier program, which has been hinted at in Ultimate Spider-Man and Ultimates 1 and 2. Now, Brian is going to connect the dots.

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