Crash Bash (ISO)

In an unknown part of space, Aku Aku has an argument with his brother Uka Uka about whether good is truly stronger than evil. Aku Aku decides that they must settle this once and for all, but when Uka Uka attempts to fight, Aku Aku reminds him that there could be no malice between them. Uka Uka and Aku Aku agree on holding a contest, with Aku Aku's players going against Uka Uka's. Aku Aku summons Crash and Coco, while Uka Uka summons Doctor Neo Cortex, Doctor Nitrus Brio, Tiny Tiger, Koala Kong, Dingodile and Rilla Roo. Aku Aku protests, as Uka Uka's side has too many players. Challenging Uka Uka's confidence in his own power, Aku Aku demands that he surrender two of his team. Uka Uka agrees and Aku Aku chooses Tiny and Dingodile. With that, the games finally begin.

If the good side wins, Uka Uka, extremely furious, demands to know what kind of trickery was used to defeat his team. Aku Aku denies using any tricks, and announces that he knew from the start that Uka Uka was actually attempting to steal the Crystals. Uka Uka, filled with rage, decides to take it all out on Cortex and Brio when Aku Aku locks the Crystals away in a stone cabinet. He claims that the Crystals are too powerful to be left lying around, and in that cabinet the Crystals will remain safe for all eternity. Uka Uka demands what is coming to him, and Aku Aku gives him the penalty for disturbing the Crystals. Uka Uka is ejected into space.

If the evil side wins, a supernatural storm rages throughout the universe announcing that Uka Uka has won. He reveals that it was his plan all along to steal the Crystals, and that now all of them are his, along with their power. Aku Aku wonders how on Earth he could be so naïve to think that good by itself could triumph over evil. Now that Uka Uka has become too powerful for anyone to handle, Aku Aku pleads Crash and Coco to run away and save themselves. The Mighty Uka Uka bellows that there is nowhere to run or to hide.

If one player is good and the other player is evil, Aku Aku and Uka Uka will state that they must fight each other to find out which side is stronger. The mini-game played, called "Tie Breaker", is a Crate Crush level with music from Papu Pummel. Here, the players fight against each other with the same rules and events that occur in Jungle Bash. The only difference between the two mini-games is that the extra one consists of only two players and takes place in Hyperspace on a stone floor with small stone walls around the edges. After winning one round, the announcer will say "Good wins" for the good character and "Evil wins" for the evil character. Whoever wins three rounds determines the ending. The winner also receives an extra trophy and results in a 201% completion at the end.

Crash Team Racing (ISO)

The inhabitants of Earth are visited by an extraterrestrial named Nitros Oxide, who claims to be the fastest racer in the galaxy. Challenging Earth to a game called "Survival of the Fastest", he beckons Earth's best driver to race him. If Earth's driver wins, he promises to leave Earth alone, but if Oxide wins, he will turn Earth into a concrete parking lot and enslave the Earthlings. In response, the player character gathers all four Boss Keys needed to access Oxide's spaceship and races him in a one-on-one match. Upon Oxide's defeat at the hands of the player character, he temporarily leaves Earth, but promises that he will return when all of the Time Relics have been gathered. Oxide faces the player again after all the Time Relics are gathered. After losing once more, Oxide keeps his word and angrily leaves Earth forever. An epilogue is relayed during the end credits, explaining what the characters of the game did after the events of the story. Nitros Oxide himself returns to his home planet of Gasmoxia and secludes himself from society. After undergoing years of therapy to cope with his loss, he takes up unicycle-racing, only to get into a gruesome accident.

Crash Bandicoot Collection 1, 2, 3 (ISO)

The games are mostly set in the fictitious Wumpa Islands, an archipelago situated to the south of Australia, although other locations are common. The main games in the series are largely platformers, but several are spin-offs in different genres. The protagonist of the series is an Eastern Barred Bandicoot named Crash, whose quiet life on the Wumpa Islands is often interrupted by the games' main antagonist, Doctor Neo Cortex, who created Crash and now wants nothing more than his demise. It's usually up to Crash to defeat Cortex and foil any world domination plans he might have.

Tales of Destiny 2 (ISO)

Reid Hershel, along with his childhood friend Farah Oersted, notice an unusual change in the color of the Orbus Barrier coupled with the flight of a strange ship from Celestia. When they go to see what happened, they meet Meredy, who is dressed in a strange fashion and speaks a bizarre foreign language, and her pet Quickie. Consequently, Reid and Farah visit their childhood friend, Keele Zeibel, in search of answers regarding the identity of Meredy. Reid learns that she speaks Melnics, an ancient civilization's language. After traveling to Morle, Reid's group receives a special translation earring that allows communication with Meredy.

Reid continues on to Inferia City, the global capital. The group asks the King of Inferia for help, but Reid is accused of spreading fear and confusion throughout the land; the punishment is a death sentence. The princess wants to know more about what Reid has to say, so the group is released. Reid explains the situation, and the leaders of Inferia hold an organizational conference. The Inferians announce they will uncover the Bridge of Light and stop the Celestians from executing the Grand Fall by taking aggressive military action. Reid is aided by Efreet, Undine and Sylph; the group is led by Rem to the Bridge of Light, which resides atop the highest mountain in Inferia. After climbing the mountain, Reid locates the Bridge of Light in its stone sanctum. Reid's group is confronted by Ras, who tells them that his real name is Rassius Luine, a senior knight loyal to the Kingdom of Inferia. Ras loses to Reid in combat, and watches the group escapes via the Bridge of Light to Celestia as Inferian reinforcements arrive.

Upon arrival in Celestia, Reid is greeted by the citizens of Imen, Meredy's hometown. Reid travels by rail to the ruined city Luishka; a professor there examines Reid's body as he houses an unknown fibrill, or magical energy. Reid discovers the Greater Craymel Gnome in a nearby cave, and the group enlists his help. Reid stumbles upon Chat's hut, and the party is accepted into her crew after a series of puzzle-based tests; the group now has access to the sea-based form of transportation. Using the Van Eltia, Reid reaches Peruti, the frozen town near the dominion of Greater Craymel Celsius. Reid climbs the nearby mountain and helps Celsius regain her sanity, saving Peruti. Reid's group is invited by Max to join the Shileska liberation army in order to stop Balir, the cause of the Grand Fall; however, Meredy senses pain and suffering from Imen, so Reid decides to return there first. When the party reaches Imen, the city is in ruins with the majority of its citizens killed.

At the technologically advanced city of Tinnsia, Reid meets with Ayla and Max, the leader of the Shileska liberation army; Max joins the party. After finding the Greater Craymel Volt trapped in a machine at the Ruins of Volt, Reid frees him and receives his power. Using the Craymel Cannon combined with the support of Shileska, the group manages to break through the fleet loyal to Balir. Infiltration of Balir's Castle leads to Shizel, the ex-Queen, who is ruling in place of Balir; Reid is forced to retreat due to the powerful Dark Aurora Arte of Shizel. After improving the Van Eltia and enlisting the help of Greater Craymel Shadow, Reid is given the Divine Aurora Arte by Seyfert, the god who created Eternia. Seyfert wishes to preserve his creation, while Nereid desires the destruction of both planets; only Reid's Divine Aurora Arte can defeat the Dark Aurora Arte given to Shizel by Nereid.

The group is now free to travel between the two planets via the Orbus Barrier using the Van Eltia. Reid recruits the Greater Craymel Rem at Regulus Knoll in preparation for the final confrontation at Shizel's Castle. Both Shizel and Nereid are defeated by Reid, who uses his Aurora Arte to counter that of Shizel. However, the Grand Fall continues on unabated despite the banishment of Nereid. Reid's group is forced destroy the Seyfert Ring, which forcefully connects Inferia and Celestia, using the combined power of the two Aurora Artes; this action stops the Grand Fall, but the two worlds drift apart and the party is split. Despite the separation, Chat's modified Van Eltia can fly from Inferia to Celestia, reuniting Reid with his allies.


Tales of Destiny (ISO)

The story of the game begins when country-boy-turned-adventurer Stahn Aileron, who seeks fame and adventure, sneaks aboard the flying ship Draconis as a stowaway. He is found out by the crew and forced to work as a deckhand, but when a large hostile force attacks the ship, the crew is overwhelmed and Stahn breaks free during the ensuing chaos. Looking for a usable weapon to fend off the attackers, he gains access to a storeroom and discovers a "junk" sword. However, the sword starts talking to him, calling itself Dymlos and claiming to be a sentient Swordian from the Aeth'er Wars. Armed with Dymlos, Stahn fights his way to an escape pod, which he uses to escape the rapidly descending ship before it crashes into the ground.

Dymlos becomes the key to the fame, fortune, and adventure Stahn seeks as the young man meets other Swordians, quickly becoming embroiled in a battle for a relic of the Aeth'er Wars: a huge, extremely powerful Lens called the Eye of Atamoni.

Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 1 & 2 OST: Integral

Tracklist :


Disc One :

01 - Pray
02 - Chaos
03 - Tribal War
04 - Seraphita
05 - Embryon
06 - Assignment
07 - Muladhara
08 - Svadhisthana
09 - Hideout Of The Chickens
10 - Sahasrara
11 - The Junkyard
12 - Arms
13 - Karma Terminal
14 - Atma
15 - Be Fed Up
16 - Burning Stake
17 - Hunger
18 - Manipura
19 - Anahata
20 - Point136
21 - Pray -Sera's Prayer-
22 - Eat Them All
23 - Operation
24 - Sonic Wave
25 - What's Your Name
26 - Steel Coffin
27 - Steel Coffin - The Second Movement
28 - River Of Samsara
29 - River Of Samsara - The Second Movement
30 - Sweet Home
31 - Solar Eclipse
32 - Asura
33 - Aurora
34 - Feint
35 - Too Late
36 - Spider's String
37 - Spider's String - The Second Movement
38 - Ajna
39 - Hunting Field
40 - Hunting Field - The Second Movement

Disc Two :

01 - Pray -A Cappella Version-
02 - Meow Meow
03 - Fire Ball
04 - Meat Ball
05 - Comrades
06 - Seismic Wave
07 - Man's Tomb
08 - Man's Tomb - The Second Movement
09 - Blade
10 - Mantra
11 - Never Ending Rain
12 - Level Up
13 - Silver Fox
14 - What Is It To Live A Life
15 - Brutish
16 - Wolf's Pride
17 - Daydream
18 - Hunting
19 - Hunting - Surprise Raid
20 - Hunting – Compulsion
21 - Hunting - Comrades
22 - Hunting - Rare Devil
23 - Relief
24 - Big Battle - Prelude
25 - Big Battle
26 - Samsara
27 - Pray -Instrumental Version-
28 - Lava Flow
29 - Turbulence
30 - Techno Shaman
31 - Maelstrom
32 - Watercrown
33 - Hari-Hara
34 - Hari-Hara - The Second Movement
35 - Surely, Once Again...
36 - The Rain Stopped


Disc Three :

01 - Alive
02 - Om Mani Padme Hm
03 - The Atonement
04 - The End Of The Junkyard
05 - Hide Out
06 - Amaravati
07 - Man Hunting
08 - Road To Sodom
09 - Road To Sodom - The Second Movement
10 - Recollection
11 - Coercion
12 - Has The Love Inside You Died?
13 - Betrayer
14 - Meeeeaaaat! Processing Plant
15 - Prisoner's Nightmare
16 - Underground City
17 - Urban Area
18 - Scheme Of Betrayal
19 - Inherent Will
20 - Tribhvana
21 - Heat
22 - Power Plant Dome
23 - Tower Of Reunion
24 - Egg Of The Universe
25 - Angel
26 - Defeat
27 - Scream
28 - This Isn't Very Interesting Either
29 - Mad Mart
30 - Karma Terminal
31 - Mantra

Disc Four :

01 - Indra
02 - Karma
03 - Meghnada
04 - What Is It To Live A Life
05 - Schrodinger
06 - Battle For Survival
07 - Madness
08 - Hunting
09 - Heroic Battle
10 - Relief
11 - Level Up
12 - Memory
13 - Let Him Go
14 - No Regret
15 - Regret
16 - Five Years Before
17 - Rest In Peace, My Friend
18 - One-Way Stairs
19 - Nirvana
20 - To The Sun
21 - Seraph
22 - Big Battle
23 - Epic Battle - Prelude
24 - Epic Battle
25 - Brahman
26 - Entreaty
27 - One Word
28 - The Rising Sun
29 - Om Mani Padme Hm -Staff Roll Arrange-



Sengoku Basara : Samurai Kings Two (Complete)

In the bloody Sengoku Period, or Warring States Period, of feudal Japan, many generals fought in an endless struggle for power, but one man proved to be too big of a threat: the dark lord, Oda Nobunaga. Sanada Yukimura and Date Masamune, two young warlords from different regions who become heated rivals, begin to form an unlikely alliance with the rest of the generals to take down the Devil King.

The second season witnesses the emergence of Toyotomi Hideyoshi as the next potential unifier of the land, though unlike in actual history he has no connection to Nobunaga, whose retainers were almost entirely wiped out along with him by the end of the first season.

Sengoku Basara : Samurai Kings One (Complete)

In the bloody Sengoku Period, or Warring States Period, of feudal Japan, many generals fought in an endless struggle for power, but one man proved to be too big of a threat: the dark lord, Oda Nobunaga. Sanada Yukimura and Date Masamune, two young warlords from different regions who become heated rivals, begin to form an unlikely alliance with the rest of the generals to take down the Devil King.

The first season follows the emergence of the various protagonists, particularly Date Masamune and Sanada Yukimura, and their struggle against Nobunaga, who seeks to unite the land under him and is willing to crush anyone, even his own allies, to do it. It ends with his defeat at Masamune and Yukimura's hands.

Sengoku Basara Special (Complete)

Maeda Toshiie and Matsu visit Chousokabe Motochika, who governs Shikoku. They tell Motochika unreasonable demands from Nobunaga. Motochika rejects them and urges Maeda to betray Nobunaga. Meanwhile Keiji tries to convince Mouri Motonari to join the fight against Nobunaga, and is imprisoned as a result. Motochika and Motonari move against each other.

Chrono Symphonic (OST)

Tracklist :

Disc One – Fire/Light :

1 Inciting Incident
2 Morning Sunlight
3 Blue Skies Over Guardia
4 To Lands Unknown
5 Darkness Dueling
6 Lucca's Arrival
7 Revelation of Fire
8 Hymn of Valor
9 Frog's Intervention
10 Denadoro Climb
11 The Masamune
12 Darkest Omen
13 Confronting the Mystic
14 Door to the End of Time

Disc Two – Shadow/Ice :

1 Manifest Destiny
2 Schala and the Queen
3 The Third Guru
4 Beneath the Surface
5 The Rising
6 Crono's Dream
7 The Chrono Trigger
8 A Parting of Ways

Chrono Trigger Arranged Version: The Brink of Time (OST)

Tracklist :

01 - Chrono Trigger
02 - Secret of Forest
03 - Zeal Palace
04 - Warlock Battle
05 - Chrono Corridor
06 - Undersea Palace
07 - World Revolution
08 - The Brink of Time
09 - Guardia Millennial Fair
10 - The Outskirts of Time

Chrono Trigger (OST)

Tracklist :

01 - A Presentiment
02 - Chrono Trigger
03 - Peaceful Days
04 - Guardia Millenial Fair
05 - Wind Scene
06 - Secret of the Forest
07 - Frog's Theme
08 - The Trial
09 - Lavos' Theme
10 - Robo Gang Johnny
11 - Robo's Theme
12 - The Brink of Time
13 - Delightful Spekkio
14 - Battle with Magus
15 - Corridors of Time
16 - Zeal Palace
17 - Schala's Theme
18 - Undersea Palacea
19 - World Revolution
20 - Epilogue - To Good Friends
21 - To Far Away Times

Bonus Tracks :

22 - Chrono and Marle (Arranged Version 1)
23 - Chrono Trigger (Arranged Version 1)
24 - Ayla's Theme (Arranged Version)
25 - Frog's Theme (Arranged Version)
26 - Chrono Trigger (Arranged Version 2)
27 - Chrono Trigger (Arranged Version 3)
28 - Schala's Theme (Arranged Version)
29 - End ~Burn! Bobonga! ~ To Far Away Times (Arranged Version)
30 - Chrono and Marle (Arranged Version 2)

Digimon Tamers Battle Evolution (ISO)

There are 9 playable characters in Digimon Rumble Arena, all drawn from the Digimon Adventure and Digimon Tamers anime. 9 characters are available at the start of the game, while the other 15 require either a password or the completion of a certain task to access. But there are 6 characters can be unlocked only by some very difficult challenges and only one of them can be unlocked by code but to activate it you first have obtained the other 5 characters.

Genso Suikogaiden Vol.2: Last Duel at Crystal Valley (OST)

Tracklist :

01 - Withered Earth (Opening Theme)
02 - Faraway Skies
03 - Every Day is a Carnival
04 - The Street Performers
05 - Carried by Ripples
06 - The Young Heroes
07 - Children Play in the Field
08 - One Fine Day
09 - Narcy's Theme
10 - Labyrinth
11 - Abscondence
12 - Ceremony
13 - Homesickness (Unused Track)
14 - Withered Earth
15 - The Boundless Dream (Ending Theme)

Genso Suikogaiden Vol.1: Swordsman of Harmonia (OST)

Tracklist :

Disc One :

01 - Currents ~op.theme~
02 - Small Area of Forest
03 - Silent Room
04 - A Man Named Gordeau
05 - Pursuit
06 - The Chase
07 - An Old Story
08 - The Fugue "Praise be to my Master"
09 - Gothic Neclord
10 - Requiem of Grief
11 - Beautiful Morning
12 - Gremio's Special Stew
13 - March of the King
14 - Tension
15 - A Prayer to my Mother
16 - Reconciliation

Disc Two :

01 - Enemy Attack
02 - Relief
03 - Moonlit Night
04 - Desire for Victory
05 - Silver Wolf
06 - Frantic Tune bpm 162
07 - Kobold Village
08 - Imprisoned Town
09 - Sedition
10 - Suspicion
11 - Tactics
12 - The March
13 - Battlefield Without Light
14 - Even Farther
15 - Rescue
16 - The Time for Confrontation
17 - Becoming Earth

Arcana Soul Manga Complete (2 Volume)

Murakami and Nakabayashi are just policemen trying to do their jobs. When there is a bomb explosion inside Shuei Primary School, they were asked to do their jobs as policemen and check out the lead. It turns out a doctor from a mental institution called in to warn about the explosion immediately before the bomb went off. And so begins their association with the mental patient with no name who they would eventually call "Maki".
For some reason, Maki can "speak" with spirits. There are spirits all around us and Maki can communicate with them. These spirits tell Maki about deep dark things... Things that go on when no one else is looking...

Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Deluxe Pack Incense Disc (OST)

Tracklist :

01 - Magic ~ Mansion of Heresy
02 - Agility ~ Ikebukuro's Disco
03 - Vitality ~ Recovery Spring
04 - Luck ~ Kabukicho
05 - Strength ~ Title Loop 2

Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Maniacs Soundtrack extra version (OST)

Tracklist :

01 - Dante's Entry
02 - The Depths of Amara
03 - Common Battle ~The Depths of Amara~
04 - Show Time!!
05 - Master of Hell
06 - Checkmate
07 - Talk
08 - Demons
09 - Warp Field
10 - Reminiscence
11 - Joint Struggle
12 - Law
13 - Metatron
14 - Parting
15 - Dante Battle
16 - Mission
17 - Chaos
18 - Beelzebub
19 - Power of the Dark
20 - Last Battle
21 - Supreme Ruler of the Dark

Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne (OST)

Tracklist :

Disc One :

01 - Title Loop 1
02 - Title Loop 2
03 - Apocalypse
04 - Map - Real World
05 - Shinjuku Hygiene Hospital (before conception)
06 - Hikawa
07 - Tokyo Conception
08 - Normal Battle
09 - Mystery
10 - Forced Battle
11 - Map
12 - Shibuya
13 - Recover Fount
14 - Heterodox Hall
15 - Chiaki
16 - Battle - Street
17 - Ginza
18 - Normal Battle - Amara Network
19 - Jewelry RAG
20 - Ikebukuro
21 - Humor
22 - Mantra Force
23 - Boss Battle
24 - Masura
25 - Heterodox Hall - Curse
26 - Yosuga (Rely)

Disc Two :

01 - Normal Battle - Map
02 - Kabukichou Prison
03 - Rescue
04 - Junk Shop
05 - Puzzle Boy
06 - Hijiri
07 - Heterodox Hall - Full Kagutsuchi
08 - Isamu
09 - Musubi (Weave)
10 - Reuniting Teacher
11 - Manekata (Figure)
12 - God Aradia Descending
13 - Boss Appearing
14 - Kotowari Boss Battle
15 - Game Over
16 - Shijima (Silence)
17 - Map - Last Area
18 - Tower of Kagutsuchi
19 - Yahironohimoroki
20 - Last Boss Battle - Before Transforming
21 - Last Boss Battle - Transformed
22 - Rebirth
23 - Staff Roll



Chrono Cross (OST)

Tracklist :

Disc One : Cause

01 - Chrono Cross ~ Time's Scar
02 - The Brink of Death
03 - Home Village of Aruni
04 - Time's Grasslands - Home World
05 - Lizard Dance
06 - Reminiscence ~ Feelings Not Erased
07 - Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World
08 - Another Aruni Village
09 - Song of Feeling
10 - Lost Fragments
11 - Indulging, Drowning Valley
12 - Another Telmina
13 - Leaving the Body
14 - Shadow's End Forest
15 - Snake Bone Room
16 - Victory ~ Spring's Gift
17 - Lost Child of Time
18 - Another Gardov
19 - Hydra's Swamp
20 - Dream's Creation
21 - Voyage - Another World
22 - Phantom Ship
23 - Death Volcano
24 - Ancient Dragon's Fort
25 - (Overcoming One's) Grief

Disc Two : Unveiling

01 - Start of the Dream
02 - (Ravine) Cleft of Dimension
03 - Home Telmina
04 - Dragonrider
05 - Voyage - Home World
06 - Home Gardov
07 - Home Mabure
08 - Zelbess
09 - The Big Admirable Mysterious Slight-of-Hand Group
10 - Nap
11 - Chronomantic
12 - Predicament
13 - Optimism
14 - Ghost's Island
15 - Death Sea ~ Tower of Ruin
16 - People Seized With Life
17 - Previously Lost, Lamp
18 - Earth Dragon's Island
19 - World's Navel
20 - Gale
21 - Victory ~ Summer's Cry
22 - Another Mabure
23 - Fairies' Way for Magic
24 - Etude 1
25 - Etude 2
26 - Magical Dreamers ~the Wind, the Stars, and the Waves~

Disc Three : Change

01 - Garden of the Gods
02 - Chronopolis
03 - Fates ~ Gods of Destiny
04 - Jellyfish Sea
05 - Orphan of Flame
06 - Star-Stealing Girl
07 - Time of the Dreamwatch
08 - Dragon's Prayer
09 - Tower of Stars
10 - Frozen Flame
11 - Dragon God
12 - Into a Time of Darkness
13 - Life ~ Faraway Promise
14 - Reminiscence ~Feelings not Erased~
15 - Radical Dreamers ~Without Taking the Jewel~ (Vocal)
16 - Fragments of Dreams


part1 | part2 |

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