Xenogears Original Soundtrack (OST)

Tracklist :

CD I :

1. Dark Daybreak
2. Stars of Tears (Out Take)
3. Bonds of Sea and Flame
4. My Village is Number One
5. Valley Where the Wind Is Born
6. Faraway Promise
7. Steel Giant
8. The Blackmoon Forest
9. Where the Egg of Dreams Hatches
10. Dozing Off (Short Version)
11. Dazil, Town of Burning Sands
12. Aspiration
13. Grahf, Ruler of Darkness
14. Fuse
15. After the Soldiers' Dreams
16. Unstealable Jewel
17. Aveh, The Ancient Dance
18. Invasion
19. Stage of Death
20. In A Dark Slumber...
21. The Gentle Breeze Sings
22. Our Wounded Bodies Shall Advance Towards the Light
23. Lost... Broken Shards
24. Thames, Spirit of the Men of the Sea
25. The Blue Traveler


1. In a Prison of Peace and Regret
2. Jaws of Ice
3. Crimson Knight
4. October Mermaid
5. The Wind Calls to Shevat in the Blue Sky
6. The Sky, the Clouds, and You
7. A Gathering of Stars in the Night Sky
8. Tears of the Stars, Thoughts of the People
9. Flight
10. Wings
11. Solaris, Celestial Paradise
12. Dozing Off (Long Version)
13. The One Who is Torn Apart
14. A Prayer for the Joy Man Desires
15. Premonition
16. Awakening
17. One Who Bares Fangs at God
18. The Alpha and the Omega
19. Small Two of Pieces ~Broken Shards~

Vagrant Story (OST)

Tracklist :

Disc One :

01 - Opening Movie
02 - VKP Headquarters ~ Inside Duke Bardorba's Manor
03 - Graylands Incident Climax
04 - Preface ~ Graylands Incident Investigation Report
05 - Closed Leá Monde
06 - Minotaur
07 - Remembrance
08 - Catacombs
09 - Dullahan
10 - A False Memory
11 - Sanctum
12 - Golem
13 - Rabbit Setting a Trap
14 - Abandoned Mines Level 1
15 - Knights of the Cross
16 - Wyvern
17 - Town Center of Leá Monde
18 - A Meeting
19 - Snowfly Forest
20 - Lizardman
21 - Another Riskbreaker
22 - Inside the City Walls
23 - Brainwashing
24 - Rosencrantz
25 - Undercity
26 - Game Over

Disc Two :

01 - Factory
02 - Tieger & Neesa
03 - Kali
04 - Joshua 2
05 - Nightmare
06 - Awakening
07 - Joshua
08 - Abandoned Mines Level 2
09 - Iron Crab
10 - Blood-Sin
11 - Rood Inverse Tattoo
12 - Reminiscence
13 - Limestone Quarry
14 - Dark Element
15 - The End of Rosencrantz ~ Kali
16 - Ogre
17 - Temple of Kiltia
18 - Great Cathedral
19 - Ifrit
20 - Fanfare
21 - Last Strength
22 - Great Cathedral Attic
23 - Banquet of Transmigration
24 - Truth
25 - Grotesque Creature
26 - Escape
27 - Epilogue
28 - Leá Monde at Dawn ~ The Story of the Wanderer, the Vagrant
29 - Staff Roll

Bonus Tracks

30 - Opening Movie "Fight Mix"
31 - Dungeon Robot Mix

Bouncer Original Video Game Soundtrack (OST)

Tracklist :

1. Prelude: The Bouncer
2. Sion Barzahd
3. Volt Krueger
4. Kou Leifoh
5. Echidna
6. Mugetsu
7. Kaldea Orchid
8. PD-4
9. Dominique Cross
10. Mugetsu: Destruction
11. Dauragon C. Mikado
12. Dauragon C. Mikado: Madness
13. Dauragon C. Mikado: Awakening
14. Prologue
15. Disquietude
16. The Escape
17. LUKIS Covert Op.
18. Distant Rain: The Cross Children
19. The Pursuit
20. Owaranaimono "Forevermore: The Theme from 'The Bouncer' (Japanese Version)"
21. Kou Leifoh (Remixed Version) - Bonus Track

Boogiepop Dual Manga Complete (2 Volumes)

When a female student is abducted and on the verge of being raped, Boogiepop rushes onto the scene just in time to save the day. But Boogiepop's new male alter-ego, Akimizuki Takaya, finds himself in the middle of a crime wave with ties going back to the previous owner of the Boogiepop mantle.



Boogiepop Doesn’t Laugh Manga Complete (2 Volumes)

This prequel to the very popular Boogiepop Phantom series deals with the sudden disappearance of several female students at Shinyo Academy. Are they runaways, abductees, or murder victims? Couple this mystery with the sudden appearance of a mysterious apparition known only as Boogiepop, and even more questions arise in the mind of Keiji, a student who can see and converse with the strange spectre. Who or what is Boogiepop? Is he responsible for the abductions, or is he trying to stop them? Why does he have the appearance of Keji's girlfriend, Touka?

Eyeshield 21 Manga Complete (37 Volumes)

The plot of Eyeshield 21 revolves around a weak and non-assertive boy named Sena Kobayakawa who enters the high school of his choice, Deimon Private Senior High School, where his childhood friend Mamori Anezaki attended school the year before. His only remarkable physical abilities are his running speed and intense agility, the result of a school life spent complying with the demands of bullies. It was revealed later that a friend, Riku, taught him how to run fast to help him against bullies. His abilities quickly catch the eye of the high school's American football team captain Yoichi Hiruma, who forces Sena to join the Deimon Devil Bats as its running back.

To protect his identity to prevent other teams in the school from recruit him for his speed, Sena is forced to publicly assume the role of team manager and enter the field wearing a helmet equipped with a green-tinted eyeshield in order to hide his features under the pseudonym of "Eyeshield 21". The makeshift team initially takes part in the spring football tournament hoping to win with through the strength of their new "secret weapon." However, the extremely weak team is eliminated early on by the Ojo White Knights, a powerhouse football team that focuses on defense.

After Deimon's defeat, the spring tournament is revealed as secondary in importance to the fall tournament, where the teams compete for the chance to play in the "Christmas Bowl", the high school football league championship. Hiruma, Kurita, and Sena regroup and slowly build a real team from other misfits and students looking to define themselves, such as Tarō Raimon, a baseball player who can only catch, and the Ha-Ha Brothers. Other characters slowly join the team, and the series follows the building and growth of the Deimon Devil Bats and its members as well as various rival teams as they all strive to achieve their goal of playing in the Christmas Bowl.

Following the Christmas Bowl, Japan begins to gather the best football players to form a team that will represent Japan at the American Football Youth World Championship, where an MVP will be rewarded an NFL contract and $3 million. Team Japan manages to make it to the final against Team America. The result is that a final touchdown by Sena at the buzzer ties the score, and both teams are declared winners, since no one expected anyone to win against America; however, the two teams are unsatisfied with this and tear straight back onto the field for their own improvised "overtime," causing chaos with officials. It is unclear which teams won the unofficial extra period but Panther of Team America won the MVP trophy aloft, winning the pro contract with the San Antonio Armadillos.

The series concludes with Sena becoming the captain of the Devil Bats when Hiruma and Kurita go off to college. In his final year of high school, Sena is invited to Notre Dame High School by Clifford, therefore fulfilling Hiruma's proclamation at the beginning of the series: the famous Eyeshield 21 of Notre Dame High has been born. All of the main characters are shown in the final chapter to be in college or playing amateur-league football while maintaining a job.

Doubt Manga Complete (4 Volumes)

There's a game going around Japan called 'Rabbit Doubt'. The premise of the game is that all of the players are rabbits in a colony, and one amongst them is randomly chosen to be a wolf that infiltrated the group of rabbits. Every round, the wolf kills off a rabbit, and every round, the group tries to figure out which of the rabbits is actually a wolf in disguise. Sometimes the kids who play this game decide to meet up in person, and Yuu, Mitsuki, Rei, Hajime, Eiji, and Haruka have done just that. Unfortunately, one of them has decided to take on the mantle of the wolf and has already killed once. Who is the wolf, and can they be stopped before everyone meets a very unpleasant end?

Dante's Inferno Original Videogame Score (OST)

Tracklist :

Disc One :

01. Dies Irae
02. Donasdogama Micma
03. Beatrice Taken
04. Dante, Casarma Treloch
05. Above Acheron
06. Bleeding Charon
07. Path To Minos
08. Minos
09. Arphe (The Descent)
10. Philopator
11. Storms Of Lust
12. Whores Of Babylon
13. The Second Circle
14. The Harrowing
15. Cerberus
16. Ciacco The Pig
17. Hall Of Gluttons
18. Greed Minions
19. listen 19. Hoarder
20. listen 20. Waster

Disc Two :

01. Excessum Alighiero
02. Barma Beigla Te Carma
03. Tower At River Styx
04. Crossing The Styx
05. The Queen Of Hell
06. Phlegyas Marches To Dis
07. Phlegyas Ravages Dis
08. lFlaming Tombs
09. Jas Davos Cha Dante Va
10. Abyssus Incendia
11. Hall Of Abraham
12. Battle With Adraman
13. Abominable Sands
14. Bella's Secret Revealed
15. Limbo Prisoners
16. Adgt Vpaah Zong
17. Cocytus
18. Babalon Ors
19. The Defeat Of Lucifer
20. Redemption
21. Donasdogama Micma Decepto




Chou Gekijouban Keroro Gunsou 3 : Keroro Tai Keroro Tenkuu Dai Kessen de arimasu! (Complete)

The movie begins with Fuyuki and the Keroro Platoon exploring Machu Picchu. Keroro accidentally sets off a trap, and by chance they find a room with a large blue crystal in the center, on a stand that has a key in it. Keroro leans on the key, causing the room to activate and they run out of the room. Fuyuki catches a fleeting glimpse of Nazca as he is running out, and tells Keroro that there's a girl in the room, but he is forced to leave the room before he can say anything else.

Chō Gekijōban Keroro Gunsō 2: Shinkai no Princess de Arimasu! (Complete)

During a stormy night a fleet is attacked by another Kiruru, that is easily destroyed by two unnamed entities. The next morning, Natsumi returns home while noticing a girl losing her balloon as the fleet is interviewed about the attack. Natsumi returns home busy and discovering a visit from Momoka until the house opens up, revealing Keroro's shaved ice machine that gives those who eats it terrors. Terrors that Keroro suffers when thrown into the bowl as Momoka reveals she came to give Fuyuki an unidentified creature and offers him a vacation off an island. Much to Momoka's dismay, the Keroro Platoon, Natsumi, Koyuki and Angol Mois came along. After a day of fun, Keroro reveals that he is planning to conquer Earth with the help of Kiruru's overcomers, much to Giroro's surprise. That night, the group finishes dinner as Natsumi calls her mother until she was attacked by a giant crab that kidnaps her and summons creatures with the same energy as those who defeated Kiruru. Keroro accidentally uses the Kero Ball to rocket himself in the ocean. The team leaves to travel through in a submarine.

Natsumi suffers a dream of herself as a lonely child until awakened to discover an alien named Maru who presents to Natsumi, Prince Meru, who reveals Natsumi is to be his princess and that they had captured Keroro, who pleads to them to assist the Keroro Platoon, only to be kicked out. Meru uses a Kero Ball-like device called the Mer Ball to form Natsumi's favorite town. Discovered and rescued by the team, Keroro uses the added brain power from the peaches to develops a strategy. After touring her kingdom, Natsumi, Meru, and Maru visit a depot, where Natsumi discovers Meru's lonely side. When visiting the upstairs carnival, Natsumi and Meru discover the arrival of the Keroro Platoon that offers other princesses until Giroro starts a fight that he is captured in as the platoon escapes as Giroro notices the Mer Ball. With no way of escape, the Keroro Platoon take shelter in the depot.

After a long analysis, Kululu concludes that they are Maronians, similar race to the Keronians, are flooding the Earth and that this world is formed from Natsumi's dreams of her lonely childhood at this depot. As Meru harasses Giroro, Natsumi notices Maru's feelings for Meru and states that she should be princess. That entertaining night of dinner and Meru's harassment in Giroro's princess costume, Natsumi and Meru stroll around the ocean, where Meru sings a lullaby from his forgotten childhood as he pleads to Natsumi to marry him, leaving him angered to know everyone ignoring him until Natsumi accepts and joins Meru in recording data of Maron and returning to marry Meru, who strikes down an attacking Giroro. With the use of new equipment, the platoon infiltrates the castle and destroys all decoys, including a possessed Giroro. Revealing she has no memory of Maron, Maru takes Keroro and Fuyuki to a corrupted Meru using Natsumi as a power source so that he can create a new Maron from Earth.

With their forces futile, the Keroro Platoon watches as Keroro jumps to save Natsumi, who remembers how she was lost as a child at the depot until found by Aki and Fuyuki, bringing her to as she is pried from the corrupted Meru, who loses control of his power and begins to absorb the dream world and the defiant Maru. Through teamwork, the platoon free, Meru, Maru, Natsumi, Keroro, and Fuyuki and despose of the corrupted Mer Ball, only to destroy the world as Natsumi pleads to fulfill her promise to Aki to return home, formming a replication of the Hinata house, where Keroro suffers a near-death scare. The platoon returns safely to the surface, where Meru and Maru realise their feelings for each other as Natsumi passes her title of princess to Maru. Wishing their friends farewell, the couple leaves in a ship built by Kululu to take them to Maron to marry. The vacation ends as the platoon happily and safely return home as Meru and Maru arrive at Maron, standing together in love.

Keroro Gunsō the Super Movie (Complete)

Keroro skips out on destroying military planes in a simulated reality in favor of buying the newest Gundam model with Fuyuki. As they head home, they encounter a mystery shrine resembling a space fort. As Keroro prepares to give a monetary offering, he accidentally drops a 100-yen coin into the shrine, forcing him and Fuyuki to go after it. Inside the shrine is a prehistoric-looking jungle, where Fuyuki finds an ancient dome and a small glass container, inside it a glowing orb. As Keroro triumphantly finds his coin, he knocks over the container, which breaks, causing the orb to shine wildly. After Keroro attempts to fix the container with rubber cement, the duo dashes out of the shrine and toward home, leaving the remaining piece of the container to transform into a pink Keronian creature.

As Keroro builds his new GM Sniper Custom model, he discovers a small red X on his face. He goes to both Fuyuki and Natsumi to tell them about his dilemma, but neither of them are of any help. That night, a menacing white Keronian appears from the mystery shrine, and gives numerous Earthlings the same red X. The next day, it is discovered that anyone who possesses this red mark gains telepathic powers named "Revocommi", allowing them to communicate with their minds. The X mark is also contagious: it can be spread from one person to another, allowing other people to become Revolutor. Keroro then orders Kululu to create an amplifying device, planning to use his new power to send amplified orders to the Revolutor of Earth, putting them under his control. That night, the white Keronian (who has taken residence on a tower) sends out a strange signal.

The next day, everyone has become depressed, this is because the Revolutor can sense each other's malicious thoughts, they're avoiding others, and begin to withdraw from society. What's more, because of telepathy, there's no need for cops, TV broadcasts, Internet, or cell phones, and the entire city shuts down. That night, strange green orbs emerge from the Revolutor's marks, and are fed to the white Keronian. On the same night, as Keroro's order-magnifying helmet is completed, the pink Keronian arrives in a gigantic Keronian statue. The Keronian introduces herself as Mirara, the Keron Army's ancient weapon researcher. She is fascinated by Keroro's helmet, but is frightened to see the X symbol on everyone, and tells them a story: The red X is a part of the Keronian weapon named Kiruru, which was sealed away in a vase by the Keron Army. It grows and multiplies from people's conflicts, pain, worries, and negative mental energy, after which it destroys the planet. The only thing that can reseal Kiruru is strong friendship and a heart of trust, but when Mirara reminds the group that invaders and invadees are sworn enemies, more negative energy is produced and Kiruru grows stronger. She turns to Momoka and Tamama for help, but only ends up causing the same problem.

Having absorbed everyone's malicious thoughts, Kiruru transforms into a monster and rampages through the city. The Keroro Platoon decides to take matters into their own hands and send Giroro and Tamama to attack Kiruru, but even their most powerful attacks fail to put a scratch on Kiruru. Seeing no other alternative, Keroro dons the helmet, intending to enlarge himself and send orders to Kiruru. But when that fails, he decides to stall Kiruru while Fuyuki, Natsumi, and Giroro head for the mystery shrine and figure out a way to stop Kiruru. Back at the mystery shrine, Fuyuki and Natsumi discover that it was Kiruru that destroyed the dinosaurs, and when Kiruru absorbs enough dark emotions, he starts multiplying, and only Mirara can stop Kiruru.

Keroro finally admits defeat to Kiruru, who then absorbs his energy, transforming into a large tower. Keroro returns to see the Hinata household (and all of his Gunpla) in ruins. The good memories Keroro and Fuyuki share together cause the red X on their heads to disappear. Mirara appears and gives the group red circles, after which she transforms into a key, which will seal Kiruru if it is inserted into the gigantic X on the tower. Using Mirara's Keronian statue as a mode of transportation, Keroro and Fuyuki are close to approaching the tower, but as soon as they come into close proximity, Kiruru starts to clone himself and chases after them. The statue crash lands, leaving the others to take care of the situation. Keroro and Fuyuki find a new mode of transportation in the form of Mutsumi's giant paper airplane, but the Kirurus continue to multiply. After the key continuously switches between owners, Kululu finally tosses it towards the X, which is shielded by a barrier. The barrier is broken when Giroro flies his mech into it. Natsumi and Giroro hold off the Kirurus while Fuyuki and Keroro go inside the tower. After a long stairway, the duo find a gigantic glass vase with a key-shaped slot. They finally seal away Kiruru, and the Kiruru Tower disappears in a brilliant yellow light, along with everyone's red X.

.hack//LIMINALITY (Complete)

An accident occuring in "The World", will be solved in the net framework space, with the OVA "Liminality". Mai and Kasumi collapse in the real world, however, only Mai recovers, leaving Tomonari in a coma. The incident will be investigated through the real world point of view. You will continue to come closer to the truth of the accident within the game while investigating from the real world in the OVA.

Chocobo Racing OST

Tracklist :

1. Dash de Chocobo ~ Opening Movie
2. Choose a Chocobo ~ Chocobo Choosin'
3. Chocobo's Theme ~ Chocobo's Tune
4. Cid's Theme ~ Cid's Sonata
5. Moglie Theme ~ Mog's Muzik
6. Pleasant Journey ~ Road Rollick
7. Golem's Theme ~ Golem's Groove
8. Goblin's Theme ~ Goblin's Gambol
9. Bizarre Mystery ~ Spooky-Wooky!!!
10. Black Mage's Theme ~ Magician's March
11. White Mage's Theme ~ Mage's Melody
12. Crystal Legend ~ La-La Legend
13. Fat Chocobo's Theme ~ Chubby's Bop-pop
14. Behemoth's Theme
15. Phantom Beast Lord ~ The Esper King
16. Make a Chocobo ~ Chocobo Creatin'
17. Cid's Test Course ~ Cid's Test Track
18. Moglie Forest
19. Ruins of the Giants ~ The Ancient Gate
20. Mithril Mines
21. House of Black ~ The Black Manor
22. Mysidia's Sky Garden ~ Floating Gardens
23. Hungry Land ~ Gingerbread Land
24. Gurgu Volcano ~ Vulcan-O-Valley
25. Illusionary World ~ Fantasia
26. FF8 Circuit
27. Win! ~ Winner's Jig
28. Lose... ~ Loser's Requiem
29. The World's Tomorrow ~ Happily Ever Chocobo
30. Treasure Chest of the Heart ~ Ending Theme



THE BEST of Chocobo to Mahou no Ehon OST

Tracklist :

Disc 1 :

01 Odeka ke Chocobo / Chocobo Series Theme Tune
02 The Sure Bet Chocobo / from FINAL FANTASY VII
03 Chocobo Village / from Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon
04 Gurgu Volcano / from FINAL FANTASY V
05 Legend of the Great Forest / from FINAL FANTASY V
06 Underwater Temple / from FINAL FANTASY III
07 Makou Reactor / from FINAL FANTASY VII
08 The Prelude / from FINAL FANTASY I
09 Fiddle de Chocobo / from FINAL FANTASY VII
10 Move de Chocobo / Odeka ke Chocobo Original Arrange
11 March de Chocobo / Odeka ke Chocobo Original Arrange
12 Retro de Chocobo / Odeka ke Chocobo Original Arrange
13 Battle de Chocobo / Odeka ke Chocobo Original Arrange
14 Victory Intro / from FINAL FANTASY I
15 Defeat Intro / Odeka ke Chocobo Original Arrange
16 Victory / from FINAL FANTASY I
17 Defeat / Victory Original Arrange
18 White Mage's Theme / from Chocobo Racing
19 The Writings of the Seal / from FINAL FANTASY V
20 Theme of the Irma Army / from Chocobo & the Magic Books
21 Gishal's Veggies / from FINAL FANTASY IV
22 Theme of Sorrow / from FINAL FANTASY IV
23 Crystal Room / from FINAL FANTASY III
24 The Magic Book / from Chocobo & the Magic Books
25 Battle Scene / from FINAL FANTASY I
26 The Decisive Battle / from FINAL FANTASY VI
27 Clash on the Big Bridge / from FINAL FANTASY V Chocobo & the Magic Books ver.
28 Ride On / from FINAL FANTASY VIII

Disc 2 :

01 The Witch, The Girl and the 5 Heroes / Odeka ke Chocobo Original Arrange
02 Ronfaure / from FINAL FANTASY XI
03 Ru'Lude Gardens / from FINAL FANTASY XI
04 Mysidia / from FINAL FANTASY IV 1:15
05 Battle 2 / from FINAL FANTASY IV
06 Ukule le Chocobo / from FINAL FANTASY IX
07 Electric de Chocobo / from FINAL FANTASY VII
08 A Wolf that Falls in Love First Movement / from The Witch, The Girl and the 5 Heroes
09 A Wolf that Falls in Love Second Movement / from The Witch, The Girl and the 5 Heroes
10 A Wolf that Falls in Love Third Movement / from The Witch, The Girl and the 5 Heroes
11 The Unforgiven / from FINAL FANTASY VI
12 Clash on the Big Bridge / from FINAL FANTASY V The Witch, The Girl and the 5 Heroes
13 Lonely Stuffed Dolls First Movement / from The Witch, The Girl and the 5 Heroes
14 Lonely Stuffed Dolls Second Movement / from The Witch, The Girl and the 5 Heroes
15 Lonely Stuffed Dolls Third Movement / from The Witch, The Girl and the 5 Heroes
16 Searching Friends / from FINAL FANTASY VI
17 Dancing Doll Calcobrena / from FINAL FANTASY IV
18 Palom & Porom's Theme / from FINAL FANTASY IV
19 Cornelia Castle / from FINAL FANTASY I
20 Dead Music / from FINAL FANTASY I
21 By a Hair's Breadth! / from FINAL FANTASY V
22 Twins Flying in the Sky First Movement / from The Witch, The Girl and the 5 Heroes
23 Twins Flying in the Sky Second Movement / from The Witch, The Girl and the 5 Heroes
24 Twins Flying in the Sky Third Movement / from The Witch, The Girl and the 5 Heroes
25 Blackjack / from FINAL FANTASY VI
26 Seymour Battle / from FINAL FANTASY X
27 Girl Without a Name First Movement / from The Witch, The Girl and the 5 Heroes
28 Girl Without a Name Second Movement / from The Witch, The Girl and the 5 Heroes
29 Girl Without a Name Third Movement / from The Witch, The Girl and the 5 Heroes
30 Tough Battle / from FINAL FANTASY XI
32 Glass Goth X ~ Glass Goth Z / from Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon 2
33 Fina le Chocobo / Odeka ke Chocobo Original Arrange



Chocobo’s Mysterious Dungeon - Labyrinth of Forgotten Time OST

Tracklist :

1. Labyrinth of Forgotten Time
2. Opening
3. Theme of Treasure Hunter
4. Stella Ranch
5. Ranch at Night
6. Town of Forgotten Time
7. Town at Night
8. Theme of Shirma
9. Open Memory
10. Theme of Dungeon Hero X
11. Theme of the Airship
12. Memory of a Distant Day
13. Memory of the World
14. Together Forever
15. Mog House X
16. Fragment of Memory
17. Nostalgia
18. Guardian of Flame 1
19. Guardian of Water 2
20. Guardian of Light 1
21. Guardian of Darkness 2
22. Duel Room
23. Phoenix Battle
24. Leviathan Battle
25. Alexander Battle
26. Croma Battle
27. Raffaello Battle
28. Last Battle
29. Ending
30. Pop-up Duel
31. Door Crawl



Chocobo Chocobo Mysterious Dungeon Coi Vanni Gialli OST


01 - Prologue
02 - Wodan
03 - La Nymphe
04 - In Dem Untergrund
05 - The Action
06 - L'Illusion
07 - Theme M
08 - Le Petit Prince
09 - La Prorhetie
10 - La Magie
11 - Coi Vanni Gialli



Chocobo Mysterious Dungeon II OST

Tracklist :

1. Prelude ~Premonition of a New Journey~
2. Dungeon Discovered!
3. Treasure Hunting!
4. Shiroma's Theme
5. Good Night
6. Fat Chocobo's Theme
7. I'm not Afraid!
8. Skull Hammer
9. Whisper of Time
10. Partner Moogle
11. Monster Village (Version 1)
12. Enter Cid Tank!
13. Mechanical World
14. Cid's Theme
15. Old Cid's Castle
16. Chant of Truth
17. Imp Robo Boss
18. Advance!? Cid Mariner
19. Story of the Bottom of the Sea
20. Illusionary Place
21. Time of Trial
22. Mysterious Corridor
23. Theme of Love (Piano Solo)
24. Ultros
25. Wind of an Unexplored Region
26. Monster Village (Version 2)
27. Full of Interesting Things
28. Snow Field
29. Time of Sorrow
30. Glass Goth
31. Theme of Love
32. Strongest Impact
33. Monster Village (Version 3)
34. Eek!
35. Oh My....
36. Charge!!
37. The Last Prelude
38. Glass Goth X ~ Glass Goth Z
39. The Illusion Destroyed
40. Reunion with Shiroma
41. The Journey Continues
42. Staff Roll
43. March de Chocobo
44. TVCM part1
45. TVCM part2 ~Charge!!~



Chocobo Mysterious Dungeon OST

Tracklist :

Disc 1 :

1. Prelude (orchestrated)
2. Beginning of a Trip
3. Chocobo's House
4. The First Dungeon
5. A Mystery
6. In Search of the Rare Item
7. Whisper of the Water
8. Chocobo Village
9. Fat Chocobo
10. Store Man
11. I Don't Know Which Way to Go
12. Wooden Room
13. Scythe Man is Coming!
14. Let's Go Underground
15. Challenge
16. After the Battle
17. A Brief Rest
18. Searching for You
19. The Unknown Space
20. Unresting Wings
21. Atora's Theme
22. Your Subject of Research?
23. Let's Have a Dream
24. God's Errand
25. The World of Darkness
26. Iron Warrior
27. Where we Reached
28. Courage
29. Fight, Chocobo!
30. Finale (orchestrated)

Disc 2 :

1. Chocobo's Happy Christmas
2. C/W: Dreams on Wings



Afro Samurai - The Game (OST)

Tracklist :

01. Kimono Dance
02. Fade To Black
03. Fight Groove 1
04. Nothing Personal
05. Fight Groove 2
06. Blood Shed
07. Fade To Black (FMZK Remix)
08. Fight Groove 3
09. One Try
10. When The Smoke Clears
11. Fight Groove 4
12. Soul Of The Samurai
13. Numify
14. Fight Groove 5
15. Can You Top That
16. I'm Going To Get-Cha
17. Fight Groove 6
18. Subliminal
19. Swoop
20. Afro Samurai
21. Come On
22. Family Affair Remix

Pandora Heart DVD Special 02 (Complete)

The main character of the story, a 15-year-old boy with blond hair and green eyes from the prestigious Vessalius family, whose father is the reigning lord. His mother was killed by the Nightray family, but despite this, he retains a bright, optimistic, and energetic personality. The story of Pandora Hearts starts when Oz turns fifteen. During the ceremony to celebrate this reaching of adulthood, he was dragged into the Abyss for the sin of 'existing'. There he meets the chain named Alice and makes a contract with her. Upon returning to the real world, he finds out that 10 years have passed. In order to find out what his sin meant, he began to work under Break as part of Pandora. During this, it is shown that when he was young, he worked hard to gain praise and recognition from his father. However, he had discovered that his father hated him to the point of not wanting to touch him. After experiencing this, Oz began to think that there is no guaranteed thing in the world. He thought of himself as weak and, in order to protect people, he should at least remain an obedient child and let harm come his way.

After traveling into the Cheshire Cat's lair, Oz meets Jack Vessalius and in turn becomes his 'medium'. Jack eventually speaks at Pandora's headquarters and the public hail Oz as a 'hero'. Oz finds that he can swap control of his body with Jack if he calls hard enough and may sometimes even see snippets of Jack's memories. According to himself he is quite skilled with the sword, particularly in self defense. However, he has no real experience in fighting. Oz likes cute, younger girls and flirts with them frequently. He once wished to marry Sharon when they first met. In chapter 20, Oz called Alice "my most precious Alice", but it is not known if these feelings are sincerely his or Jack's since he resides in his body. Oz, himself, thinks of Alice as his precious someone, calling her his "sun". He thinks that it is because of Alice that he can still smile.

Jack tells Oz that he has the "right" or "prerequisite" over Alice's powers and that a seal won't restrain Alice's powers any longer, making Oz have the ability to use B-Rabbit's power even without Alice's permission or Gil's help. Oz proves it when he was able to stop Alice's B-Rabbit's power temporarily on his own; another time when Oz was almost kidnapped by the Baskervilles at Latowidge, and then recently when he was able to summon B-Rabbit's scythe to fluently fight his assailants inside Sablier's illusion, despite the fact he had never used a scythe before. According to Lotti, Oz was supposed to be the vessel for the sake of hiding the existence of Jack Vessalius and should the vessel be broken, Jack’s existence will be brought to light and the further warping of abyss’s will, who seeks for him, will most probably interfere with the real world. Later, Oz reunites with Gilbert and immediately meets with the person behind Oz's suicidal nature: Zai Vessalius, his father. It has been seen in chapter 45 that Oz has had a will to destroy everything until Alice stops him. In chapter 46, however, according to Break, Oz may not be the real Oz Vessalius, as during his birth, Oz's father suddenly took him away and perhaps did something to him or changed him for another baby.

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