Digimon Digital Card Battle (ISO)

The game is very different from the other Digimon releases since it is a totally card-based game. Players have a deck of 30 cards, consisting of Digimon, support and special digivolution cards. The digivolution concept is similar to the other games, in that players start off with a Rookie and finish with an Ultimate (missing out Fresh, In-training and Mega, although Mega Digimon appear as Ultimate). Players sacrifice Digimon in their hand in order to build up "digivolution points" or DP. When one has enough for their desired Digimon, digivolution becomes possible. This brings a new tactical element to the game: deciding which cards to sacrifice.

As the game starts off players are able to choose one of three Digimon to be their first Partner card (Veemon, Hawkmon and Armadillomon). As the game progresses these partners will gain experience, become stronger and gain the ability to Armor digivolve. As this ability is used the partner loses the ability to digivolve into Champion (C) or Ultimate (U) levels. Players can have multiple partners in a deck. As the player's partners attain new ranks, they gain digi-parts, which can be used to modify partners to boosts its hit points (health), attack power or support effect. The others can be gained by beating certain opponents a certain number of times and partner fusing.

Digimon World 3 (ISO)

Junior, and his friends Ivy and Teddy, log-in to "Digimon Online", where Ivy renames herself "Kail". Soon after Junior arrives, the players are trapped in the game by an error in the system. MAGAMI's "Game Master" publicly assures the players that the situation is under control, and blames the incident on the hacker, Lucky Mouse. Junior proceeds with his adventure as normal and travels to the A.o.A. controlled West Sector, and after defeating the real leader, travels to a secret base of Lucky Mouse, who reveals himself to be Kail's long-lost brother and an agent working against the A.o.A., Kurt, who reveals that MAGAMI is a front for the A.o.A., but soon the A.o.A. arrive and threaten to turn Kail into Oinkmon, if Kurt doesn't give the Vemmon Digi-Egg to the A.o.A. This results in Kurt being turned into Oinkmon and the Vemmon Digi-Egg stolen. Junior leads an attack on the Admin Center, which results in the Game Master being defeated and interrogated. Junior uses a network break to transport himself to the Amaterasu Server, where he defeats two of the A.o.A.'s chiefs and learns more about their plans. He returns to Asuka, defeats the fourth leader, and uses an emergency teleport system to reach MAGASTA, but is unable to prevent the Juggernaut from being unleashed. The Juggernaut is then used by Vemmon to digivolve to Destromon.

Junior returns to the Amaterasu Server to defeat the final two chiefs, and gains access to Amaterasu City. He leads a fresh attack on the Amaterasu Admin Center, leading to the MAGAMI President being defeated. Junior then uses the central computer to destroy Destromon, before returning to Asuka to ask Airdramon to help him in lifting the virus which is affecting most of the players by transforming them into Oinkmon. Before long, the Oinkmon virus returns and strikes most of the players, with only Junior and Kail surviving untouched. Vemmon had used the beam containing the Oinkmon virus and shot the beam through all servers. Junior then goes into the admin center, and in the Master Room, Junior is challenged by an entity calling himself Lord Megadeath. Junior then travels to a military satellite, Gunslinger, to challenge Lord Megadeath. Once close to the control room, Junior battles Armaggeddemon, and defeats it. He then reaches the control room, and battles Lord Megadeath. Lord Megadeath is defeated, but succeeds in his project of creating Snatchmon, by combining three Vemmon. Snatchmon absorbs Lord Megadeath, challenges the player, and merges with the Gunslinger to become Galacticmon. Junior defeats him, and Galacticmon falls to Earth, burning up into a meteor shower in the atmosphere.

Three months later, Junior returns to the Amaterasu Server, where, as is revealed in the PAL and Japanese versions of the game, four new Server Leaders have been established and Kurt is the new World Champion.

Digimon World 2 (ISO)

Akira lives in Digital City, a town located in fictional "Directory Continent", a land where digimon used to live peacefully. However, wild Digimon began attacking Akira's hometown, and Akira joins a guard team that is charged with protection peace and security of the region.

At the start of the game, Akira finishes his last Training Mission and joins one of the Guard Teams (the player has the option of choosing between the Black Sword Team, the Gold Hawks team, or the Blue Falcon team). He receives missions from the Team Leader, which involve entering Domains and hunting down evil Digimon.

Digimon World (ISO)

The gameplay revolves around raising a single Digimon from its Digitama form, hatching into a Fresh, up through In-Training, Rookie, Champion, and with work, Ultimate. A Digimon partner will die with age, and return to an egg eventually, so the player has to raise it again. To raise a Digimon partner, the player must train it, feed it, let it rest and take it to a bathroom.

The other main part of gameplay is battle. The player's partner Digimon fight the Digimon that have become aggressive due to a crisis on File Island. Partner Digimon begin the game with a few basic skills, but acquire more as they progress in levels through the game.

The more Digimon who you gain in your city will make training and various other aspects of the game much easier. Many will open shops and even sell items, some which will open mini-games you can play to gain rewards and items.

Gensō Suikogaiden Vol.2 : Kurisutaru Bare no Kettou (ISO)

After the completion of the Dunan Unification Wars (the events of Suikoden II), Nash intends to return to the capital of Holy Harmonia, the Crystal Valley. However, his travels involve more adventure than he anticipates.

His journey involves traveling through the Grasslands, where one village happens to be celebrating the legend of the Flame Champion and the Fire Bringers who stopped the Harmonians from invading some sixty years ago; an unfortunate stop over in Caleria, the base of operations for mercenaries of Southern Harmonian Border Defence Force; helping stop a wild dragon from terrorizing a village before finally reaching his destination.

As Volume 2 was released roughly a year before Suikoden III, it presumably helped set up and introduce the Grasslands, which were the main focus of Suikoden III. Nash also returns in Suikoden III; outside of Japan, Suikoden III is Nash's first appearance in the series.

pass : suikodenfanguy atreides

Genso Suikogaiden Vol.1 - Harumonia no Kishi (ISO)

Nash Latkje, the protagonist controlled by the player and an agent of Holy Harmonia's Southern Border Defence Force, has been assigned to obtain information to either verify or disprove a rumour concerning the appearance of one of the 27 True Runes in the Jowston City States. During his travels, he encounters Sierra Mikain, a female vampire, who decides to accompany him on his journey. As a result, he soon becomes entangled in the larger conflict involving the events of Suikoden II.


pass : shinakira wa arcued

Suikoden II (ISO)

In the Suikoden series, the player takes control of a battle party having a maximum of six people (consisting of the protagonist and 5 other characters). The goal of the game is for the protagonist to defeat the opponents who are trying to oppose his/her team. This becomes possible as every game in the series revolves around the recruitment of the 108 Stars of Destiny; wherein the fighter characters recruited from the bunch can be used as members for the battle party; each game in the series have its respective Stars of Destiny. The series practically makes use of running around towns on different islands and into dungeons filled with monsters or enemies. A base or headquarters will also be obtained by the player which is usually abandoned, monster-infested castles which turns into bustling communities when captured.

Suikoden (ISO)

In the Suikoden series, the player takes control of a battle party having a maximum of six people (consisting of the protagonist and 5 other characters). The goal of the game is for the protagonist to defeat the opponents who are trying to oppose his/her team. This becomes possible as every game in the series revolves around the recruitment of the 108 Stars of Destiny; wherein the fighter characters recruited from the bunch can be used as members for the battle party; each game in the series have its respective Stars of Destiny. The series practically makes use of running around towns on different islands and into dungeons filled with monsters or enemies. A base or headquarters will also be obtained by the player which is usually abandoned, monster-infested castles which turns into bustling communities when captured.


part1 | part2 | part3 |

pass : ruzh

Alundra 2: A New Legend Begins (ISO)

Alundra 2's story is set in the kingdom of Varuna. A powerful sorcerer Mephisto is using magical wind-up keys to control humans and turn animals into powerful killing machines. You play Flint, a young hero and Pirate Hunter who is wanted for treason, and is after the pirates that caused his parents' death.

You begin the game on board a flying ship, where you discover that not only is the Baron working with pirates, but also that Flint has a bounty on his head. After a rumble with pirates and a few robots, Flint falls into the ocean and the ship is left to crash. Flint wakes up in a village and is recruited by Princess Alexia and Lord Prunewell to fight against the Baron.

Flint and Alexia run into Mephisto while investigating the crashed plane Flint had been on; it is here Mephisto demonstrates his wizardry by transforming a cat into a monster by stabbing a key into its neck (and transforms back once defeated). Shortly after the battle, the village is bombed; leaving Flint to investigate a mechanical, bull-shaped tank. Once again, Flint is left to dispatch a mechanical bull that also seems to have been changed by Mephisto. This string of events then leads Flint and Alexia to a factory that a villager claims to be a place of untold happiness. Once inside, Flint and Alexia witness that same villager being transformed magically into a robot using a key. Alexia is then kidnapped, leaving Flint to take on another monster (this time a woman who transforms into a gigantic spider. Afterwords Flint and Alexia arrive in a port, where they plot to sneak over to the pirates' secret hideaway.

After they sneak inside they discover that the pirates indeed are working for the Baron. Flint is then discovered and confronted by a mysterious man, the personal guard of Mileena, who spares Flint's life and throws him out of the palace. Shortly after, Alexia is (again) kidnapped and taken to the Baron. Skipping the spoilers, Flint finds himself inside an underwater cave, where he meets up with lord Prunewell again (who, for some reason, has all the children of the royal court with him). With Flint to rally behind, the group makes plans to take the kingdom back by force; this is quickly thwarted as the scene changes to the entire group in the dungeon. The Baron then makes Flint an offer (using Alexia's life as reassurance) for his freedom in exchange for his services.

After meeting up with Zeppo (by the Baron's orders), Flint arrives at Eden Village, where he is left to face yet again another puzzle-solving dungeon to obtain something for the Baron. When Flint goes to sail back, however, a mechanical whale swallows his ship. Once Flint escapes, he then begins to investigate the Church of the Key, another area of Mephisto's power.

After several more dungeons (and not much more discovered), Flint (after a quick round against a mutated Zeppo) ultimately confronts Mephisto, who uses several forms to match Flint.

Alundra (ISO)

The game starts with Alundra being on a ship. After walking around and talking to the people, Alundra decides to take a nap. He has a mysterious dream where a strange being named Lars tells him that he is a wizard and one of the guardians of the seal. Suddenly, Alundra sees a vision from the village of Inoa. After that, Lars calls Alundra 'Releaser' and tells him that north of the village there is a dark lake and below it there has lied a demon for over 1000 years and now the demon has awakened once more. After telling this, a creature named Melzas appears and points out that nobody has the power to stop him, especially not a human like Alundra. After talking with Lars about humans and the 'Releaser', Melzas disappears. Lars tells Alundra to travel to Inoa and stop the demon.

Suddenly Alundra wakes up and after getting out of his cabin, he finds out that there is a huge storm above the ship. The captain tells the crew not to worry but they sail into the reef and the ship breaks from the middle. After this Alundra loses consciousness.

Alundra wakes up from a beach and a man named Jess comes and rescues him. Jess takes Alundra to his house and lets him sleep upstairs. In the village of Inoa, Alundra discovers he is a Dreamwalker and undertakes many quests, playing both in people's dreams and the village surroundings. Soon, he finds out he is the 'Releaser', destined to save the world from Melzas, an ancient demon on his quest to world domination, who is also responsible for people's nightmares.

Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense (ISO)

The story of Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense centers on the international meddlings of an oil conglomerate from the future known as OMAR (Oil Monopoly Alliance Regime).

After finding an electronic armband in a service station bathroom, former Vigilante Slick Clyde rose to be controlled by OMAR. Working up through the ranks of command he soon came to be the CEO of OMAR itself and made a complete monopoly on all oil trades with the sole exception of the United States.

With the help of his student and hitman, Obake, he steals the technology to allow him to travel through time. Taking with him Obake and his cybernetic assassin, Dallas 13, he makes the jump back to 1970s to cripple the United States and bring OMAR to total domination.

Appearing in 1970s, the three vehicles encounter Convoy, the former leader of the Vigilantes. Upon seeing him, the three cars open fire.

Vigilante 8 (ISO)

The game's storyline is built around an alternate history, in which there was a worldwide oil crisis in the 1970s and the U.S. was on the verge of an economic breakdown. Strikes, riots and crime were rampant, and all available law enforcement were brought to the cities leaving the outlands vulnerable. A foreign multinational oil consortium, Oil Monopoly Alliance Regime (OMAR), was determined to monopolize the world oil trade. The U.S. was the last country that stood in their way and they were prepared to go to any length to bring the U.S. to its knees.

OMAR hired Sid Burn, a professional terrorist, to push the U.S. economy over the edge. Sid began to organize his troops in the remote areas of the southwest. Calling themselves the "Coyotes," they began to target oil refineries, commercial installations and other vital industry throughout the region. With the law enforcement in the cities, some desperate civilians began to take the law into their own hands. Led by a trucker named Convoy and referred to simply as the "Vigilantes," this oddball group soon became a major hindrance to Sid.

Meanwhile, the U.S. government, feeling more vulnerable than ever, was intensifying its research and development of a new military arsenal. The most advanced weaponry, rumored to be based on UFO technology, was located at Site-4, a secret facility at Papoose Lake. This information was not lost on Sid, and the Coyotes ambushed the facility. However the Vigilantes unexpectedly appeared to stop them and as a result, both parties found themselves in possession of the world's most advanced weaponry.

What followed were no ordinary skirmishes. Auto clashes ensued all over the land, from Colorado's Rockies to California's farmlands, only to culminate in a battle like no other. To this day the events which took place are only a matter of speculation.

Persona Music Live: Velvet Room in Akasaka Blitz (OST)

Main Event :

Electronica in Velvet Room
The Battle for Everyone’s Soul (P3)
Signs of Love (P4)
Heartbeat, Heartbreak (P4)
Your Affection (P4)
Unavoidable Battle (P3)
Burn My Dread (P3)
When the Moon’s Reaching Out Stars (P3)
Want to be Close (P3)
Mellow Dream (PTS)
Reverse the Destiny (PTS)
Mass Destruction (P3)
Deep Breathe, Deep Breathe (P3)
Breakin’ Through (PTS)
Suicide’s Love Story (PTS)
The Almighty (P4)
Never More (P4)

Encore :

Heartful Cry (P3FES)
Soul Drive (PTS)
Burn My Dread -Last Battle- (P3)
Heaven (P4)
Found Me (PTS)
Reach Out to the Truth (P4)
Memories of You (P3)


part1 | part2 |

Pass : Vento@sakurahana.com

Persona Music Live Band (OST)

Tracklist :

01 - Battle for Everyone's Souls
02 - Burn My Dread
03 - Mass Destruction
04 - Soul Phrase
05 - Mist
06 - Heaven
07 - Time
08 - Soul Drive
09 - Breakin' Through
10 - Reach Out To The Truth
11 - Memories of You
12 - Party for Everyone's Souls

Persona 3 Portable (OST)

Tracklist :

01 - Soul Phrase
02 - A Way of Life
03 - After School
04 - Time
05 - Wiping All Out
06 - Sun
07 - Warm Feeling
08 - Danger Zone
09 - Soul Phrase -long ver.-
10 - Way of Life -Deep inside my mind Remix-

Burn My Dread -Reincarnation: PERSONA3 (OST)

Tracklist :

1.Burn My Dread
2.Changing Seasons
3.Want To Be Close
4.When the Moon's Reaching out the stars
5.Unavoidable Battle
6.Poem for Everyone's Souls
7.Burn My Dread -Last Battle-
8.Deep Breath Deep Breath
9.Battle for Everyone's Souls
10.Living With Determination
11.Mass Destruction
12.Your Memories ~Orchestra ver.~

Persona Be Your True Mind (OST)

Tracklist :

Disc 1 :

01. Theme of Kandori ~ Silence
02. Philemon Movie ~ Sebek Chapter
03. Maki’s Theme ~ Bright
04. Dungeon ~ Police Station
05. Mark’s Theme
06. Dungeon ~ Abandoned Factory Underground Passage
07. Dungeon ~ Sebek Above Ground
08. Dungeon ~ Sebek Underground Research Lab
09. Theme of Kandori ~ Ambition
10. Dimension Road
11. Aki’s Theme
12. City 2 Accident
13. Dungeon ~ Ruins
14. Philemon Movie ~ Sebek Chapter 2
15. City 2
16. Dungeon ~ Karma Palace 2
17. Bar Attacked by Harlem Queen
18. Dungeon ~ Karma Palace
19. Shadow ~ Sirius
20. Mai’s Theme
21. Dungeon ~ House
22. Deva-Yuga Appears
23. Kandori’s Theme ~ Pathos
24. Beyond Dimension Road ~ View of Deva-Yuga
25. Dungeon ~ Deva-Yuga
26. Lapse of Distaizer
27. Reiji’s Theme
28. Philemon Movei ~ Sebek Chapter 3
29. Shabon King of Consciousness
30. Maki’s Theme ~ Sad 2
31. Dungeon ~ Pandora’s Den (Deepmost Area)
32. Encounter with Pandora
33. Pandora’s Entry
34. Pandora’s Battle
35. Philemon Movie ~ Sebek Chapter 4
36. Sebek Chapter Good Ending
37. Sebek Chapter Bad Ending 2

Disc 2 :

01. Sanitation Department (Former Dungeon ~ Saeko-Sensei)
02. Yukino’s Theme
03. Frozen School
04. Snow Queen’s Theme ~ Main
05. Philemon Movie ~ Ice Queen Chapter 1
06. Ice Castle
07. Dungeon ~ Ice Castle
08. Door, Frozen Shut
09. Dungeon ~ Former Ice Castle
10. Conversation ~ Generic 1
11. Toro Confesses to Ayase
12. Snow Queen’s Theme ~ Violent
13. Consciousness
14. Infiltrating Hypnos Tower
15. Dungeon ~ Hypnos Tower
16. Common Battle
17. Spring of Restoration
18. Philemon Movie ~ Snow Queen Chapter 2
19. Dungeon ~ Reverse Dream World
20. Theme of Nemurin’s Love
21. Infiltrating Nemesis Tower
22. Dungeon ~ Nemesis Tower
23. Snow Queen’s Theme ~ Sad
24. Conversation ~ Generic 2
25. Infiltrating Devil’s Mountain
26. Dungeon ~ Devil’s Mountain
27. Time Count Event (Unused)
28. Mystery
29. Infiltrating Thanatos Tower
30. Thanatos Tower
31. Saeko-Sensei’s Theme
32. Queen Asura Enters
33. Battle ~ Queen of the Night
34. Snow Queen Chapter Bad Ending 1
35. Restored School
36. Last Event
37. Snow Queen Chapter Good Ending
38. Snow Queen Chapter Bad Ending 2

Disc 3 :

01. Opening
02. Daydream 1
03. Daydream 2
04. Name Entry
05. Elly’s Theme
06. Dungeon ~ School (After School)
07. Nanjou’s Theme
08. City 1 Tranquility
09. Dungeon ~ City 1 Shopping District (East Exit)
10. Casino
11. Convenience Store
12. City 1 & 2 Shopping District (West Exit)
13. Boutique
14. Satomi Tadashi Drugstore Song
15. Fast Food
16. Sennen-Mannen Hall
17. Doctor
18. Battle ~ Hospital (Before the Disaster)
19. Generic BGM-B
20. Battle ~ Awakening
21. Dungeon ~ Hospital (After Disaster)
22. City 1 Post-Disaster
23. Shrine (Philemon’s Voice)
24. Augustia’s Wood
25. Dungeon ~ City 1 School Revisited
26. Battle ~ Mid-Boss
27. The Cave Behind the Gym
28. Brown’s Theme
29. Battle ~ Thesso
30. Ayase’s Theme
31. Velvet Room
32. Velvet Room ~ Coalescence
33. Sebek Chapter Bad Ending 1
34. Maki’s Theme ~ Loneliness

Special Disc :

01. Maika’s Theme
02. Dungeon – No. 1
03. Foolish Boss’ Theme
04. Satomi Tadashi Pharmacy Song – Ore Version
05. Satomi Tadashi Pharmacy Song – Jazz Version

Persona 2 Innocent Sin (OST)

Tracklist :

Disc 1 :

01. Opening
02. Tension
03. Seven Sisters High School A
04. Vehicle Operation
05. Hero’s Theme
06. Clock Tower
07. Silverman Household
08. Comical Route
09. Boss Battle
10. Filmon’s Theme
11. Presentiment
12. Kurosu’s Theme
13. Eikichi’s Theme (sad version)
14. Map Theme A
15. Shiraishi Ramen
16. Kuzuha Detective Office
17. Satomi Tadashi ~ Hirasaka Store
18. Tominaga Chiropractic Office
19. Movements of the Evil Womb
20. Seven Sisters High School B
21. Ginko’s Theme
22. Maya’s Theme
23. Yukino’s Theme
24. Main Theme B
25. Gatten Sushi
26. Peace Diner
27. Angry Wing Gypsi
28. Satomi Tadashi ~ Dreamy Peninsula Store
29. Club Zodiac
30. Event Scene A
31. Kasugayama High School
32. Air Defense Moat
33. I Rest
34. Mad Party
35. Casino ~ Mu Continent
36. Mu Continent
37. Giga Macho
38. Meteor Fellow Sound Max
39. CD Shop ~ Giga Macho
40. Aoba Park
41. Outdoor Music Hall
42. Ginko’s Theme 2
43. Masquerade Ball of Four Tops
44. Time Count
45. W. Slash
46. Rosa-Candida ~ Green Leaves Store
47. Satomi Tadashi ~ Green Leaves Store
48. Etheria
49. Smile Hirasaka
50. Foolish Boss
51. Brave Entrance
52. Trish’s Spring
53. Retrospection (Painful)

Disc 2 :

01. Main Theme A
02. Battle
03. Velvet Room
04. Gold
05. In Rakechi
06. Event Scene B
07. Araya Shrine
08. Toyama Rock
09. ??
10. Satomi Tadashi ~ Southern Harbor Store
11. Jolly Roger
12. Hitoshi Atsu Store
13. Holly Psyochotherapy
14. Bikini Line
15. East Hypo Defense
16. Tony’s Shop
17. South Harbor Lunapales
18. Snail Mountain
19. Saint Spear Knight Group
20. Yukino’s THeme (sad version)
21. Karacol
22. Shadow
23. Persona-sama
24. Maya’s Theme (sad version)
25. Joker’s Theme
26. Map Theme B ~ Shivalva
27. Lion Palace
28. Rosa-Candida Lotus Flower Stand Store
29. Kaori
30. Satomi Tadashi ~ Lotus Flower Stand Store
31. Round Park
32. Public Institution
33. Palace of the Sky Scorpion
34. Retrospection (embrace)
35. Palace of the Golden Bull
36. Le Cleir-de-lune
37. Treasure Bottle Palace
38. Anima Mundi
39. Galaxy
40. Desolated Factory
41. Danger
42. Shivalva
43. Kashihara
44. Last Boss Battle
45. Dance of Death
46. Ending Movie
47. Battle Contact
48. Eikichi’s Theme
49. Last Battlelion
51. Persona Lead

Persona 2 Eternal Punishment (OST)

Tracklist :

Disc 1 :

01. Opening
02. Maya (Theme 2)
03. Seven Sisters High School
04. Map I
05. Parabellum II
06. Time Castle
07. Mt Katatsumuri – Mifune
08. Morimoto Hospital – Sanitarium
09. Enigma
10. Boss Battle
11. Sumaru Genie
12. Affinity Readings
13. Time Count
14. Normal Day
15. Red Lantern Shiraishi
16. Satomi Tadashi Pharmacy – Hirasaka Store
17. Parabellum
18. Club Zodiac
19. Peace Diner
20. TONY’S SHOP (Wonder Item Store)
21. Aoba Park
22. Penthouse
23. Le Cleir de lune (Special Weapon Store)
24. Ebony
25. Control Center
26. Science Laboratory
28. Tominaga Chiropractic
29. BGM I
30. Reverse Sumaru TV
31. BGM II
32. Hiragi Psychotherapy
33. kaori
34. Giga Macho
35. Kasugayama High School
36. Velvet Nanashi Arrange

Disc 2 :

01. Battle
03. Padparacha
04. Sumaru TV
05. Mu Continent
06. etheria
07. Smile Hirasaka
09. Abandoned Factory
10. Satomi Tadashi Pharmacy – Yumesaki Store
11. Jolly Roger
12. Nichirinmaru
13. Illusions
14. Undersea Ruins
15. Reminiscence (Beloved)
16. Subway Construction Site
17. East Asia Defense (Special Weapon Store)
18. Nekomata Rumor Office
19. Ameno Torifune
20. Map II
21. Sumaru Castle
22. Big Trouble
23. Map III
24. Monado Mandala
25. Reminiscence (Sorrowful)
26. EX Final Battle
27. others mix 1
28. others mix 2
29. others mix 3
30. others mix 4
31. Persona Mambo
32. Persona Rock

Persona (OST)


Disc One :

01 - Dream of Butterfly
02 - Persona's Door
03 - Paranormal Phenomena
04 - My Name is Philemon
05 - Name Entry
06 - Bestowing the Persona
07 - School Days
08 - ICU Panic
09 - A Lone Prayer
10 - Mad Hospital
11 - Guidance
12 - Mikage Police Station
13 - Appearance!
14 - Strange Atmosphere
15 - Let Butterflies Spread Until the Dawn
16 - Maki
17 - SEBEC
18 - The Girl in Black
19 - Battle with Tesso
20 - Shopping
21 - Satomi Tadashi Pharmacy's Theme 2009
22 - Aria of the Soul
23 - Persona Fusion
24 - Quest for the Expel Mirror
25 - Kama Palace
26 - Mikage Ruins
27 - Lost Forest
28 - Mana Castle
29 - Confrontation
30 - Bloody Destiny
31 - Persona

Disc Two :

01 - Ice Castle
02 - Frozen St. Hermelin
03 - Search for the Shards
04 - Sweet Slumber
05 - Hypnos Tower
06 - A Warning
07 - Twisted Revenge
08 - Nemesis Tower
09 - Prison of Death
10 - Thanatos Tower
11 - Eternal Night
12 - Devil's Peak
13 - Queen Asura's Descent
14 - Night Queen
15 - Morning of St. Hermelin
16 - Agastya Tree
17 - Daily Life
18 - Tension
19 - Haunted Mansion
20 - At Deva Yuga's Door
21 - Deva Yuga
22 - Closed Heart
23 - Smile
24 - To Alaya Cavern
25 - Alaya Cavern
26 - Space
27 - Avidia World
28 - Sea of Conciousness
29 - Overcoming Sadness
30 - To a Shining Future...
31 - Bringer of all Misfortune
32 - Pandora, the Last Battle
33 - Maki's Confession
34 - Season of Cherry Blossoms
35 - Voice
36 - Dream of Butterfly (Instrumental)



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